Lance Simmons wrote:

> Isn't there a way I can _start_ X at 800x600 without having to modify
> my XF86Config file? I'm willing to start a separate X session on
> another virtual terminal. Reading the man pages for xinit and startx
> hasn't enlightened me.

i suggest posting to one of the loki newsgroups on this. every loki game
i have used has done fullscreen properly. when you post i suggest you
post your XF86Config as well. or email [EMAIL PROTECTED] I'm
not sure about the newsgroup for that game but i participate often
in the unreal tournament newsgroup its quite active ..

in the end you shouldn't even have to think about doing what your
wanting to do(you can probably do this by launching X as root via
xinit -- :1 or something similar on another VT which will load
X without anything on that terminal, then you can go back to the
other X, export DISPLAY=localhost:1.0 ; xhost +localhost and
run any commands you want ..) but in the end you shouldn't need
to do this all of loki's games handle this right provided the
modeline(s) are available. maybe its a bug ?>? i havent tried
that game myself.

games i have tried:
Civilization (loki's version forgot the full name)
Unreal Tournament
Quake 3 Arena
Simcity 3000
Myth II
Heavy Gear

all of them worked flawlessly. my machines run 3dfx cards
btw, i noticed you had a S3 savage 4 ..(?)


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