Many thanks to people who replied.  Yes,  removing /etc/shutdown.allow
helps.  I put a username in that file,  the user I log in for everyday's
working.  dont know why it caused the problem.  

I also found a symptom as well: `who` did not return anything.

I think I am going to use sudo to shutdown,  which I found easy to
configure too. 

happy holidays!

On Wed, Dec 27, 2000 at 07:47:56AM -0600, Dean wrote:
> Hi Jack:
>  I had the same problem. I found not to
> use a location in /etc/shutdown.allow but
> only the user's name. hth Dean
> Jack wrote:
> > 
> > hi all:
> > 
> > it used to work well.  I followed someone's suggestion and changed
> > Ctrl-Alt-Del to shutdown the machine.  Now I got this error:
> > 
> >   shutdown: no authorized users logged in
> > 
> > which is not true.  What could be wrong?
> > 
> > thanks!

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