Rob VanFleet wrote:
> Hmm, as I understood it, making a /usr/src/linux link is bad, /usr/include,
> AFAIK, is not the issue.  The module I tried to compiled looked for the
> kernel-includes in /usr/src/linux/include.  I'm just wondering why
> /usr/src/linux is bad, and how to tell compiles to look somewhere other than
> /usr/src/linux.

I read this just the other day (don't recall where; prolly on  Making a symlink in /usr/include is BAD because
compiling apps against kernel headers different from the kernel headers
glibc was compiled against is BAD.  Making a symlink from
/usr/src/linux-version to /usr/src/linux is NOT bad; I have never done
this any other way.

-=|JP|=-                "Why, oh, why didn't I take the blue pill?"
Jon Pennington        | Atipa Linux Solutions   -o)
Kansas City, MO, USA  | 816-595-3000 x1550     _\_V

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