On Tue, Jan 02, 2001 at 02:24:51PM -0800, kmself@ix.netcom.com wrote:
> Possibly an abnormally exited system update?  Try:
>     $ dpkg --configure -a
> ...which, I think, will attempt to reconfigure any packages left
> pending.
> I've had related issues with gpg, which flashes errors during system
> updates as the SUID bit hasn't been set yet.

some packages use suidregister to make thier binaries suid, shadow and
gnupg are such packages.  with suidregister enabled packages the
binaries are not shipped suid in the archive itself, thus when they
are unpacked they are not suid.  in the package's postinst script
suidregister's presence is tested and if it exists its used to
register the suid binarys (and it takes care of chmoding them)
otherwise the postinst chmods them itself.  

the idea is you can use suidregister to set custom permissions to say
remove a suid bit (or restrict it to a group) and the next package
upgrade will perserve your changes (since it asks suidregister to make
it suid and it checks its config file for your overrides before doing

its rather a kludge which is why its gone in woody, instead dpkg has
statoverrides built in which will be much cleaner.  (transition from
suidregister to statoverrides is going to be the hard/messy part)

Ethan Benson

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