Seung-woo Nam wrote:
> Since I upgraded my Debian system from 2.2_rev0 to 2.2_rev2, all the
> Sawfish menus in Gnome control center wouldn't work (appearance,
> focus behaviour, etc.). When I click on any of those the window just
> freezes and doesn't show any contents of menus. I know Helix gnome is
> not a part of official Debian dist but since it happened after the
> upgrade, I was wandering ther's any conflict between Helix Gnome and
> new Debian. Has anyone had the same problem?

I can't provide a solution but I've had the same problem. Try running
the control center using strace. You'll probably see that it tries to
find all kind of librep/rep-gtk related things. You need to fiddle
around with that a little, I'm afraid (put some extra symbolic links in
or so).


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