On Tue, Dec 26, 2000 at 10:35:35AM -0500, Vicente wrote:
> I am starting to create an presentation based
> on slides. I want to use PDF format for this work.
> I will write the presentation with LaTeX.
> I have been testing pdflatex and dvips+ps2pdf, and  get 
> that text quality of the presentation is better
> with pdflatex than with dvips+ps2pdf. 
> I want to use pstricks , so I'd rather use dvips+ps2pdf.
> Can I make quality from both methods of generating
> PDFs similar? Is it a problem with uninstalled fonts?

Have a look at:

Essentially you're getting bitmap fonts in the PDF, which is what makes it
look so ugly.  The above link discusses solutions.  For more related links
have a look at (at the bottom of the page):

Maciej Kalisiak         [EMAIL PROTECTED]       www.dgp.toronto.edu/~mac

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