Greetings everyone,

After much frustration in trying to get Debian GNU/Linux (my distro of
choice) installed on a Dell PowerEdge 2450, I've finally found success!

My problem was finding kernel support for the onboard PERC 3/Si RAID
Controller (Adaptec OEM chipset) so that I could store my root fs with a
RAID array container.  Turns out that Adaptec has recently open-sourced the
driver; however, it hasn't been accepted into any of the Linux kernel trees
as of yet.  So, I tracked down the driver sources (many thanks to Matt),
patched them (5 patches in total) into 2.2.18, and built my own, new patch
file to incorporate the aacraid 1.0.6 driver into this kernel in one, easy

For anyone who's interested, you'll find the patch, a patched 2.2.18 kernel
source archive, Debian (potato) installation disk images (with this new
kernel), and other info at:

Kevin Traas
Chief Information Officer
Merilus Technologies, Inc.          .:|| Thinking inside the box ||:.

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