This thread about mouse configuration got me to try to get 'gpm' and X
co-operating again, and I was successful this time. Let me explain my

I have a Logitech mouse of some sort, a Mouse Man Plus, I think. It's
got two buttons, plus a wheel that also acts as a third button(plus
up-and-down, which are in reality two more buttons, for a total of

In my /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file, I had the mouse protocol set to
MouseManPlusPS/2, which worked well. I had full use of my wheel, etc.,

In my /etc/gpm.conf file, I had the mouse type set to "ps2", as there
existed no setting specifically for a Logitech Mouse Man Plus.

Normally, when gpm started before X, and X was configured to use
/dev/gpmdata, I had the use of the regular three buttons on my mouse,
but no wheel(which was really irritating). If I made X start first,
using /dev/psaux, and then killed X, started 'gpm', changed X to use
/dev/gpmdata, everything worked all right. Obviously something odd, eh?

Well, I changed /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 to use /dev/gpmdata, and using the
IMPS/2 protocol(Intellimouse PS/2). I also set the mouse type in
/etc/gpm.conf to 'imps2', also designed for the Intellimouse PS/2.

Now everything works great. I find it odd that using IMPS/2 everywhere
makes a difference; since /dev/gpmdata should be an exact duplication of
the mouse's data, but maybe there was some initialization thing going on
that my mouse didn't like.

Anyways, I'm sure this is mouse-dependant, but take it for what it's
worth :)


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