On Thu, Jan 04, 2001 at 01:33:25PM +0100, Koen Colpaert wrote:

> After some experimenting with Suse, Slackware and Mandrake I
> turned to Debian. After installing and configuring X I was
> presented with a grey xdm-display as a loginscreen. I was
> wondering if there aren't any better background images
> available and where can I find them.


You could also look into wdm as an alternative X display manager.
The default configuration of wdm doesn't provide a background
image, but it has a nice login widget with the Debian logo in it.
You can configure it to put an image in the background, and you
can choose your window manager from the wdm login screen.

For me the big advantage of wdm over xdm is that I can configure
it so that anyone can reboot the machine without typing a
password (this is a boon on single-user machines like mine in
which the keyboard dies after an X session, forcing one to
reboot, that too with the mouse alone).


N. Raghavendra <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> |
Harish-Chandra Research Institute   | Eloquence is logic on fire.
        GnuPG public key at:        |
http://riemann.mri.ernet.in/~raghu/ |

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