To quote Ethan Benson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# On Sat, Jan 06, 2001 at 07:46:53PM -0500, David B. Harris wrote:
# > You might want to consider changing your attitude a bit. These
# oh i want choice, my attitude is clearly flawed afterall if i did not
# want choice i would still be letting MS or Apple tell me what to do.  

Yes, your attitude *is* clearly flawed. Whether or not you get a choice
is irrelevant. These people put their blood and sweat into something
which you directly benefit from(which no recompensation for you, either,
I bet). And you have the *gall* to demand ANYTHING?

That's the flaw. Not that you want choice - but that you demand it from
people who have done nothing but work for you, for free.


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