Since i got some free time this weekend i was going to try out mutt
for the hell of it ..since i hear its a good reader..but i can't
get it to connect to my IMAP4+SSL server. it connects fine to
just the IMAP4 port but i must have it connect to the SSL
port. the package description says it supports SSL and
according to the FAQ i set the configuration to use

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~$ more .muttrc
set spoolfile={}INBOX
set folder={}
set imap_user=aphro

when i load mutt:
{}INBOX is an invalid IMAP path, if i
remove the /ssl it works fine, provided i turn
off my firewall for port 143 ..

from the MUTT faq:
I'd like to get my mail via IMAP!

Mutt does now officially support IMAP. Please upgrade to a 
recent version and use --enable-imap and preferably 
--with-ssl if you have OpenSSL installed to get
SSL encryption for your IMAP connections.

Then you simply set your spoolfile to "{mailhost/ssl}INBOX"
to access your email (replace mailhost with the name or IP 
of your IMAP server and omit the "/ssl" if you
don't have SSL support). INBOX is the canonical name for 
your mail spool via IMAP. With IMAP, you can have more than 
one mail folder and access them with "{mailhost/ssl}INBOX/foo 
with the name foo.


going to be a hard transition for me i think, being a pine
and netscape mailer user for the past 5+ years ..but
i trust the end result will be worth it not really
looking to recompile mutt to get this if it
is possible let me know what i am missing for it to work.

btw im running potato looks like mutt is 0.94-5



ICQ: 75132336

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