let me be more specific:

1. auto URL completion  (big whoop).
2. renders CSS, even if you turn javascript off (NICE!!!!)
3. it crashes less from what i've seen.

1. they took away the "bookmark button".  maybe this is small potatoes for
   some, but it's relevant to me.  i liked being able to "file" my bookmarks.
   this is what i find most annoying.
2. kerberos is completely broken (i can't access my school grades with ns6).
3. very, very, very slow to load.  even slower than previous NS incarnations
4. more junk.  if the mozilla project/AOL really wanted to do anyone any
  good, they would concentrate less on "the sidebar" and more on speed and
  stability issues.  no, i don't want to see little icons at the bottom of the
  browser that give me 'convenient access' to instant messenger or NS mail.
  i hate icons and the sidebar makes me puke.
5. assigning helper applications is now very inconvenient; i can't seem to
  make it work.  well, i was able to assign gv to postscript, but that was
  after 10 minutes of trial and error.  i think this subsystem is broken,
  because even though gv is summoned when i display a postscript object, the
  helper display doesn't "show" the postscript/gv entry; it's like the entry
  is invisible.   shit, i can't write for beans.  i hope you understand what
  i'm saying here.

i'd recommend against netscape 6.  i love CSS, so it's almost worth it for
me.  i'm thinking of going back though.


On Sun 07 Jan 01, 10:10 AM, Arcady Genkin said...
> irvine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I was reading that there is a netscape 
> > version 6 available for Linux. Has anyone
> > tried it out? Can anyone foresee any 
> > problems in me downloading it and installing 
> > on my computer.
> I tried it.  No problems installing it at all. BUT, I don't recommend
> using it.  NN6 is just a re-packaged Mozilla milestone 18, which is
> not very fresh.  There have been at least two more releases of Mozilla
> since M18, so NN6 is quite outdated.  Also, you have to register NN6,
> which I found a cumbersome pocess; you don't have to register Mozilla.
> All that said, either of the browsers is by no means a finished
> product.  They are slow, bulky, and buggy.  Gotta say that I love
> Mozilla's rendering engine + international languages support.
> -- 
> Arcady Genkin
> Don't read everything you believe.
> -- 
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