To quote Stefan Nobis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# No, but Andreas stated clearly that he don't want to use devfsd. And
the above
# are the internal names of devfs and the device drivers. The other
names like
# /dev/discs/disc0 and the like are the user friendly naming scheme
which is
# brought to you with devfsd. So if you don't use devfsd you don't get
the new,
# shorter names but only the very long internal names (which are
deprecated to
# use).

Incorrect; on my system, the shortened names exist without devfsd.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] /home/david]# ps aux | grep devfs | grep -v grep
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /home/david]# mount -t devfs none /dev
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /home/david]# ps aux | grep devfs | grep -v grep
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /home/david]# ls /dev/discs/
total 0
lr-xr-xr-x    1 root     root           30 Dec 31  1969 disc0 ->
lr-xr-xr-x    1 root     root           30 Dec 31  1969 disc1 ->
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /home/david]# ps aux | grep devfs | grep -v grep
[EMAIL PROTECTED] /home/david]# 

Tada :) They do exist. It's still longer than '/dev/hda1', but
'/dev/discs/disc0/part1' isn't all that bad.


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