heh...  i completely missed that.   henry, what's up with the K+R?  ;)

and i'm a competant enough C programmer to know you can call scripts from C,
but that wasn't the point.   useradd is a script, not a C executable.  so i
have no idea why it would honor his request for setuid since he didn't
mention anything about writing a wrapper...


On Sun 09 Jan 00,  7:07 PM, D-Man said...
> On Tue, Jan 09, 2001 at 11:08:12PM -0800, Henry House wrote:
> [snip]
> | It is a kernel restriction (warranted or paranoid as the case may be) but it
> | can be bypassed if need be by writing a little C wrapper:
> |            #define REAL_PATH "/path/to/script"
> |            main(ac, av)
> |                char **av;
> |            {
> |                execv(REAL_PATH, av);
> |            }
> | 
> | (Shamelessly ripped from perlsec(1p).)
> | 
> Interesting.  That's not ANSI C.  (It's K&R style)

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