On Sun, 31 Dec 2000 kmself@ix.netcom.com wrote:

> on Sun, Dec 31, 2000 at 02:04:57PM -0500, Maciej Kalisiak ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
> wrote:

> > Is it possible to grep a ton of files without modifying their
> > date/timestamps?  Currently if I use grep, it changes the access time
> > of all files touched, which causes mutt to lose track of the folders
> > which have new mail (I guess it looks at the timestamp last modified
> > and last accessed to figure this out).  Occasionally I do want to

> Several hacks come to mind:
>   - Copy the files and grep the copies (does this change the
>     timestamps?)
>   - Remount the partition read-only.
>   - Build a tool to check timestamps, save them, grep the files, then
>     reapply the timestamps with 'touch'.

    - File a bug report on mutt.  This is a matter of mutt not playing 
      well with others.  

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