On Mon 10 Jan 00,  4:04 AM, D-Man said...
> On Wed, Jan 10, 2001 at 11:27:38AM -0800, Xucaen wrote:
> | would writing scripts in a compiled language like
> | C be a solution? 
> | 
> If any binary files can be exec as suid, then I would recommend
> python.  It will have more of the feel of a script with its high level
> view of things.
> Python programs can be byte-compiled to .pyo files.  It may be an
> option to have the .pyo file suid while hiding the .py source itself.
hmmmm.   i think the right tool for the job is sudo.   you can open a bottle
of beer by prying off the cap with a knife.  but why would you?
> | can a user have permission to exec a script
> | contained in a directory they don't have read
> | access to?

do you have linux installed already?  sounds like an easy experiment.  :)


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