On Mon, 08 Jan 2001 20:56:28 Antonio A. Lobato wrote:
>       If my sources.list has the single line "deb file:/win/ main" , does the
> dpkg find the
> deb files within directorys
> main/binary-i386/editors/ 
> main/binary-i386/x11/ 
> main/binary-i386/libs/ 
> ....
> ....
> ....
> etc
> Or must I have to put all the deb files within "main/binary-i386" and to
> use 
> dpkg -i /win/main/binary-i386/* 
> to install all packges ?  

the path in sources.lists is to dists/<distrib> (<distrib>=potato|woody|sid) so 
directories should be like this

and your sources.list line :
deb file:/win <distrib> main

Nicolas Bertolissio

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