To quote,
# > Odd, never noticed this, but there's no 'mgetty' in Unstable. No
# > mgetty-voice either. I have mgetty-docs, but that's just about it.
# > thoughts?
# Um:
#     $ apt-cache search mgetty
#     mgetty-viewfax - Program for displaying Group-3 Fax files under X.
#     mgetty-fax - Faxing tools for mgetty.
#     mgetty-docs - Documentation Package for mgetty
#     lprfax - Utility to allow printing to a fax modem
#     mgetty - Smart Modem getty replacement
#     mgetty-voice - Voicemail handler for mgetty
# Cheers.


Sorry, I'll be more clear. :) There's no 'mgetty' in Unstable(Sid).
There is no mgetty-viewfax, there is no mgetty-fax, there is no
mgetty-voice. :) Each and every one of those packages gives:

Package mgetty has no available version, but exists in the database.
This typically means that the package was mentioned in a dependency and 
never uploaded, has been obsoleted or is not available with the contents

of sources.list

When I try to 'apt-get install' it. I've checked the mirrors, too.
They're not there. They're available for Stable(Potato), but not

Thanks anyways,

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
    Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

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