> You should try "apt-get install gdm". gdm is the gnome equivalent of
> xdm.

Thanks!  I did that, and it's working great.  It took care of
un-installing xdm, too!

I also solved the 60 Hz problem.  I had read through the Xfree86
documentation quickly, and I read that with 4.x you don't have to
specify mode lines.  I went back and read more carefully, and saw what I
missed earlier: if you don't have mode lines, it will default to the
highest resolution it knows about, which in this case was running at
60Hz.  I went back and put in mode lines that specified the resolutions
I wanted, and it's great now.

Also, that explains why Ctrl+Alt+Numpad+ did not work for me.  That
command cycles through the resolutions specified in the mode lines in
your XF86Config-4 file.  Since I had specified none, I was stuck in a
single mode.

I've got Gnome desktop running, sawfish-gnome installed and running, and
the CoolClean theme installed.  My Linux X desktop is looking great.

Now all I need to do is get the esound daemon going and play my favorite
music in Xmms.
Steve R. Hastings               "Vita est"
[EMAIL PROTECTED]               http://www.blarg.net/~steveha

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