I have "inherit" 20 pc client + 1 server RH 6.2 under NIS+.
Slowly, I want to switch to Debian 2.2, starting from the client.
I have "upgraded" :-) 2 client to 2.2, but I can't login as nis user (that
exist on nis server)
The problem is that under 2.2 there is no nis+, but only nis.
Are they compatible? 
(maybe configuring the server to act as nis and not as nis+ ?)
(and if yes, it's only a matter of s/nisplus/nis/g ?)

a) /home on client is mounted via NFS from server nis
b) if I do ls -l /home, I can see login name and groups of each home dir...
c) ypcat passwd   works
d) login user     doesn't works

Any hint?


Paolo Pedaletti, Como, ITALYa
[EMAIL PROTECTED]           ICQ: 4755831

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