To quote "Elizabeth R. Chichester" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# Okay, I made a mistake.  When I set up Debian on my home machine, I
# thinking in terms of a home network and so set up networking (through
# eth0).  Unfortunately, I got ahead of myself and don't have everything
# set up.  Specifically, I didn't have internet access handled.
# I did set up wvdial during the installation process.  It works.  I'm
# able to connect to the ISP.  However, I can't get a DNS reading (i.e.,
# can't ping anything successfully).  The Gnome ppp dialer (where you
# specify the DNS addresses of the ISP) consistently gives an error
# message.
# Does anyone know (or can you direct me) to where I should "disable"
# networking so that I can get DNS through my ISP and otherwise get on
# 'net?  Just a sample /etc/init.d/networking and /etc/resolv.conf (or
# other files) might do the trick.

Sure :) /etc/resolv.conf should look something like:

order hosts,bind
nameserver ip.address.of.nameserver
nameserver ip.address.of.2nd-nameserver

That'll probably fix things, but no guarantees ;) Consider this a
quick-fix :)

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
    Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

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