
That said, here's the scenario:  I've been back and forth
btwn distros a bit in the last few months.  I've finally
settled on Debian for now, and I really need to get sound
up and working.  I have previously used sndconfig in
RedHat, so I pointed my sources.list to unstable and
installed sndconfig, which proceeded to lock my system up
hard.  I put my sources.list back to stable, and I've dug
thru the Sound-HOWTO and what not, but everything seems to
assume that I know the hardware addresses for the sound
card.  This is on a Dell OptiPlex GX1 w/ onboard Crystal
CS4236B sound chip.  I've tried using sample hardware
settings that I've found here, and on Deja, but nothing
works, and about half the time, I lock the system up hard

I need some kind of assistance soon.  If anyone has any
ideas or is willing to walk me thru this, I'd greatly
appreciated it.



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