Robert Rambled,

> I´ve simply set it in the components:

> [waldner:~/Mail] egrep Waldner *comp*
> components:From: Robert Waldner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> distcomps:Resent-From: Robert Waldner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> forwcomps:From: Robert Waldner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> rcvdistcomps:Resent-From: Robert Waldner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> replcomps:From: Robert Waldner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

THanks.  THis is *exactly* what I needed.

Could I talk you out of the formats of the other files?  Particularly,
what do I need to do to get "Subject:", "References:", etc. to 
come out properly.  I Assume it's an environmental variable or
escape sequence, but I'm not making any sense out of /etc/mh/mhl.* . . .


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