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A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far way, someone said...

> I installed kernel 2.4.0 on my ThinkPad 560 and after I was done, I
> made sure /etc/lilo.conf was correct and ran lilo, and I rebooted.
> This is what I got:
> request_module[block-major-3] root fs not mounted
> VFS: cannot open root device "301" or 03:01
> Please append a correct "root= " boot option
> Kernel Apnic: VFS: Unable to mount root fs on 03:01

Looks like you forgot to compile in the IDE drivers :)

> I then rebooted to the old kernel, 2.2.16 successfully and tried
> installing the new kernel image again, but when I rebooted, I could no
> longer boot either kernel.

Uh oh.  Better get out the rescue disk :)

> I smell a reinstall; not even my boot disk could start Linux. Is there
> a way out of a reinstall?

Um... what errors did you get when you tried the boot disk?

Can you tell us anything about the hardware of your laptop?

- -- 
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
Phil Brutsche                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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