xdm is the X desktop manager. It is used if you want to login from X
directly on start-up. This is not needed; you can start the machine, log in
to a console, then run startx to get X going.

xfs is the X Font Server; it is a way of providing fonts to X applications.
You can however have X configured to directly access the fonts on disk
without going thru the font server.

The simple install doens't restrict itself to what is needed; it is simply
saying "I want X on my machine, give me what you'd recommend" which is
probably erring on the side of too much stuff than too little. As you've
seen you can always install more precisely with apt-get or dselect.

-----Original Message-----
From: Xucaen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: 16 January 2001 14:03
To: debian-user@lists.debian.org
Subject: what exactly is xdm and xfs??

Hi all..
about 2 weeks ago, I installed debian 2.2r2.
During the package install phase, I checked off
the X packages (simple menu). Along with all the
X packages, xdm and xfs were also installed.
Naturally I assumed that xdm and xfs were
necessary parts of X. However, this weekend
I installed the various XF86 packages
(xserver-vga16, xserver-common, xf86setup, fvwm,
and a few others) using apt-get onto a different
machine. I chose not to install the xdm and xfs.
much to my amazement startx works perfectly. 
why does X work without xdm and xfs?

forever curious,

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