# It might, but if it does, it won't do it cleanly. It's not really 
# designed for it.
# dpkg -l|awk '{print $2}'
# can't be made part of a script, because dpkg cuts off filenames
# after a certain length. So you get things like 'netscape-base-',
# 'libstdc++2.10-', and 'communicator-s' twice. Anyway to change
# get a list of the _full_ filenames of all packages from the
# command line?

Yeah, 'dpkg-awk' will show you all your installed packages. 'grep' and
'awk' to suit.

# You would need to grab the source for each package you have,
# compile it into a .deb, then install, I think. Yes? 'apt-get
# source --compile <package>' will not place things into a nice
# neat tree, either. You would end up with a directory filled with
# tons of 'package-version' directories, as well as the diff's and 
# original source.

I'd suggest something like:

mkdir -p /tmp/temporary-build-area
mkdir -p /tmp/termporary-package-area
cd /tmp/temporary-build-area
for i in `dpkg-awk | grep Package | awk '{print $2}'`; do
        apt-get -b source $i
        mv *.deb /tmp/temporary-package-area
        rm -rf *

However, 'dpkg-awk | grep Package' occasionally gives more than just
package names(ie: any line with the word "Package" in it ;). So the
output would have to be put into a file and then edited manually.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
    Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

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