On Thu, Jan 18, 2001 at 11:55:17PM +0100, Arnout Engelen wrote:
> I don't know how that line got there, but it never hurts to check
> what's in your exim.conf!

The line was put there when you ran eximconfig and told it that your
mail should appear to be coming from your schhol's domain.

The way to fix this is _not_ to remove the qualify_domain setting,
but rather to go a little bit further down in exim.conf, uncomment the
'qualify_recipient' line, and set it to localhost (or some other name
that your machine will recognize as referring to itself).

You will probably also want to verify that local_domains is set
to localhost (and any non-localhost name you may have used for
qualify_recipient), as your server will attempt to perform local delivery
for any address at your school's domain if local_domains is not set.

[1]  Unless you're hosting a registered domain on your machine, but if
you were, you would've told eximconfig that mail should appear to come
from that domain instead of your school's.

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