on Fri, Jan 19, 2001 at 07:11:04PM -0800, Bill Wohler ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
> [Karsten, if you get fresh reasons, be sure to add them to your lists.
> These lists, by the way, should also be on the Debian Web site.
> Perhaps you can make this happen. PR is a good thing. See also the
> recent thread: Why use Debian?]

Um.  Like?

>   What I tell folks:
>   1) The package manager.
>   You can tell it to look in several places at once for a package and
>   if you ask for a package that depends on others it automatically
>   selects those packages. It then downloads the .debs and installs
>   them for you. (I don't think Red Hat has this auto-download
>   capability--you have to hunt for the .rpms yourself as far as I
>   know).
>   One of the best demos you can do to convince someone is this:
>     $ foo
>     foo: command not found
>     $ dselect     # select and install foo


  $ apt-get install foo

...which gets foo (and dependencies) in one swell foop (a *very* swell
foop, IMO).

...and if you do like dselect (I don't *dislike* it, but it's a sort of
grudging admiration), scope out aptitude.

>   2) The elegant disk layout.
>   For example, everything about mail is in /etc/mail. In Red Hat some
>   stuff is in /etc/mail, some stuff is in /etc. It's all over the
>   place. Ditto for bind stuff.

Your and Ethan's comments on RH scavenging to try to piece together WTF
is happening are very well taken.  My two horror stories are:

  - RH's lilo docs.  What the fuck am I supposed to do with a postscript
    file on a system that doesn't *boot*, let alone print or display X?
    Debian's text docs are fscking marvelous.

  - mysqld init.d script.  Just tell me where RH stuffs its mysql server
    log.  In 30 seconds.

>   3) The elegant boot scripts.
>   Red Hat hides init.d in /etc/rc.d. It also doesn't seem to provide a
>   full set of scripts in init.d either. There are a few other details
>   in this realm, but I'm forgetting them now.

I've heard that extreme trauma can induce amnesia....

RH is moving to the FHS/Debian /etc/init.d / /etc/rc[0-9].d standard.

>   5) A mission to get all configuration out of programs/scripts and
>   into config files in /etc.

...and more-or-less *flat* in /etc.  Lots of subdirs are wonderfully
organized and tidy, but it makes referencing scripts a fscking pain in
the ass.

Karsten M. Self <kmself@ix.netcom.com>    http://kmself.home.netcom.com/
 What part of "Gestalt" don't you understand?       There is no K5 cabal
  http://gestalt-system.sourceforge.net/         http://www.kuro5hin.org

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