To quote Philipp Bliedung <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# Hi,
# Can I use two kernels (for example 2.4 and 2.2.17) on the same
# I mean can I use kernel 2.2.17 as the "normal" kernel I boot with and
# then still compile kernels in the 2.4 version (not for this computer
# for others)  - or will with cause more problems than it would solve?
# Will there be any problem when I have two kernel sources in  /usr/src?
# Will there be any conflicts with the modules of either version?
# Does anybody know any site where I can find information about this?

Yes and no. You can have more than one kernel stored on a machine at any
one time, and with some special software, you can even have more than
one kernel *running* at the same time.

Watch how you compile your kernel, though. Don't use 'make install' or
anything that'll install anything anywhere(except maybe 'make
modules_install'). To make the kernel, just do 'make bzImage'. Not 'make
install' or 'make lilo' or anything like it. Your kernel will be in
/usr/src/linux-<version, or wherever you unpacked the
source>/arch/i386/boot/bzImage(assuming you're on an Intel-compat

Now, I don't know if you can compile kernels for other machines without
some special work. For instance, if your other machine(s) are different
architectures(ie: PowerPC as opposed to Intel-compat), then you'll have
to set up a cross-compiling environment. There are other concerns,
though, even if your host architecture(where you build the kernel) and
target architecture(where the kernel will be used) are the same. Try it
to find out, though :)

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
    Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

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