To quote "Cameron Matheson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# Hey,
# I just compiled X4, but after I did "make install >& install.log" I
checked the log, and it bailed because I don't have "-lz".  What package
is this library in?  (or where can I download it?).  Also, I'm trying to
install emacs, X, etc.  Someone told me I could if I put the packages on
hold, but it still won't let me install without install
xfree86-common/xlib6g.  Please help me.

'z' is probably zlib. I've got the "zlib1g" and "zlib1g-dev" packages,
which are probably what you'r looking for.

Incidentally, you shouldn't compile from source if there's a package
available for what you want(and, of course, XFree86 is packaged). If you
*must* compile from source, then do it with a source package, 'apt-get
source <package(s)>', then go into whichever directory it created, and
do a 'dpkg-buildpackage -uc -b'(as root). If you need a package out of
unstable, make a deb-src entry in sources.list pointing to Unstable, and
then do the above process for it.

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
    Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

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