On Wed, Jan 24, 2001 at 06:01:49AM +0100, Frank Preut wrote:
> hello everyone,
>       i have two problems with my potato system which _really_ get on
> my nerves..
> 1) i use pon/poff for my dialup connection.. the problem with this is
> that poff somehow doesn't seem to completely close the connection or
> something because when i try to re-connect with pon nothing happens..
> that's also the reason why dial on demand isn't feasible.. i have to
> repeat poff twice to be able connect again.. i have checked syslog but
> the last message is pppd: exit..

okay to elaborate further on this: again i work on potato and haven't
fiddled with the ppp stuff other than setting up the connection with
pppconfig.. since the problem *might* be related to some modem issues: i
have an elsa microlink 56k.. i don't see this problem when i use, for
instance, wvdial, but i don't want to use wvdial and i would like to use
dial on demand..

any pointers to a possible solutions appreciated,

[EMAIL PROTECTED] // icq# 49188243
gpg public key: http://people.blinx.de/fpreut/pgpkey/gpg-public-key.asc
"..doch warum sollte nicht jeder einzelne aus seinem leben
ein kunstwerk machen koennen??"
michel foucault

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