On Fri, 26 Jan 2001, Harry Barnes wrote:
> Hi, I had the same problem as Phillip. I was advised to add the user to 
> audio and disk ...
> I have already undone this, after reading the post. My problem is I do not 
> seem to have /dev/cdrom
> To get gtcd to play I had to change the device from /dev/cdrom to /dev/hdc.
> Looking through the /etc/group file I noticed that I have a cdrom group.
> Any ideas?
> Intermediate newbie :)


you have taken the user out of group disk and left him in audio? ok
(shouldn't this be cdrom? unsure for the moment, my cdroms belong to the
cdrom group) anyway this is a policy but its your system.

The device file in /dev, eg. /dev/hdc, should be owned by root, but
belong to group, say, cdrom. This is to be able to give different
access rights on the device. root must do everything, the group may
read the cd, but you don't want anybody lurking in your system to do
anything with it.

$ ls -l /dev/hdc /dev/cdrom
-rw-r----- root root hdc

then do (as root)
# chgrp cdrom /dev/hdc

$ ls -l /dev/hdc /dev/cdrom
-rw-r----- root cdrom hdc                       that is good

either you get
lrwxrwxrwx root cdrom cdrom -> /dev/hdc         that is good!

or nothing. Then make symbolic link yourself (as root)
# rm -f /dev/cdrom; ln -s /dev/hdc /dev/cdrom

and the user must be in the group cdrom
# adduser user cdrom
$ id
user, (user),(cdrom)

Now he may do what the permissions for the group allow him to.
I'm not sure (root (me) grabs and i & i play mp3s), but to program the
cdrom to play you must also be able to write to it (?)

Anyway, user starts a program and the program gets/runs with users
permissions - user may read something, so may the program.

happy hacking, greetings, martin

Is there a key combination to make sure IE will reload a page?
Oh, yes and it's shorter than Alt-X O Alt-N Alt-Z ret ret Ctrl-F5!

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