Hello Debianites :-).
        I've been too busy to track this list for a while, but I thought I
get back into swing by asking a question for a friend of mine first.  They
don't subscribe to the list, but I figured some of the gurus here could
answer the question...
Is there an app like (FreeBSD's) cvsupit for Debian? Or is manual CVS even

It would make things a whole lot easier for this 56Ker if he could just
get the base delta and a couple of source trees rather than dl a whole
ISO. 8*)  Any input or links to relevant information gratefully accepted.

My experience with Free is limited (can't wait for 5 to go release though
:), and I don't really have experience with cvsupit as I've been spoiled
by my cable connection.  But if anyone here has any info/links/advice it
would be appreciated.



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