To quote "Leonard Leblanc" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# Hello Everyone,
# I am going to be running a Linux box as Firewall/DNS/WWW/FTP/POP and
maybe some other network applications.  I was wondering what your
suggestions would be for Partitions.  I have already ready the Partition
HOWTO, but still aren't quite sure what partitions would be best for my

It depends on a number of things; what you'll be using the box for, how
reliable it needs to be, how much space you have to throw around, how
experienced you are, how much the box's uses will change over time, and
a host of other things.

Most people I run in to drastically over-partition their hard drive.
Five, six, even seven partitions for one running Linux system. Now,
that's not to say it isn't useful - espeically in high-demand

However, until you get a good feel for how much space the different
directories will be taking, I suggest you make three partitions. One
swap partition, one root partition, and one /home partition. Only
reformat the root partition when you re-install your OS(if you ever do).

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
    Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

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