On Mon, Jan 29, 2001 at 10:39:58PM +0100, ebirn wrote:

> Because of being quite new to server administration, I'd like to get some
> advise/personal opinions of mailservers (pop, imap and smtp). I don't want
> to use sendmail because its so unsecure and difficult to configure!

I've got things done with sendmail. Using exim, I get everything done
*and* I know, what I do. Sendmail still is a big strange thing to me.
Smail is a quick-and-easy thing for UUCP-only sites. Quite a lot
people are happy using qmail, but I prefer exim, because it's easy to
configure and to understand.

Exim is a MTA, it handles only smtp. You need other deamons to do the
pop and imap stuff (Package imap, ipod, or others...). To get mail via
pop3 or smtp to your server, you could use fetchmail.


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