Calm down! If you want, you can use a simpler apt-get interface called
console-apt - it requires a ncurses package.

Now, for dselect you'll get used to it quickly.
If you want a graphical browser like Netscape, you'll have to edit
/etc/apt/sources.list and add the following:

deb    stable    main    contrib
deb    stable/non-US    main
contrib    non-free
deb    stable/updates    main    contrib

save it and run dselect
choose access, choose apt and not to overwrite the config
choose update and wait until it creates a package list based on the
sites listed above
choose select, hit space bar on the next screen and hit / (search
hotkey), so you can search for netscape
type netscape and hit \ (next find hotkey) as many times you want until
you find the netscape package
when you find it, type + (add hotkey) and follow screen instructions to
resolve dependency problems
when you stop having dependency-related screens, hit Enter to return to
the initial menu and select install

A note: you will download all the netscape packages and also a bunch of
fresh new hotfixes and updates for the system itself. Everything will
reside at /var/cache/apt/archives. At the end of the installation,
select the option to don't erase these installtion files and keep them
for any necessary reinstallation.


Jose Gracia Neto

hzi wrote:

> Good people of the community-    Why on God' s green earth didn't
> developers ever think of end users when they made dselect?   I simply
> can't understand why it doesn't accept a simple path (e.g.,
> /cdrom/debian/potato) to some files I burned on a CD! Is there any
> easy way? Any documentation?   It seems irrational that developers
> didn't make it accept a simple path to files...I can't install a
> browser in Debian, so here I am, using Windows...   Somebody help!!
> Thanks   Henry


                José Gracia Neto
            [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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