Hi folks,

I'm running a woody (as of 2-weeks ago) machine with a 2.4.1-ac2 kernel
on it. I've got reiserfs compiled in, and all of my file systems (except
boot) are now running on reiserfs.

I'm running

ii  reiserfsprogs  3.x.0a-1       *PRE-RELEASE* Tools for ReiserFS

compiled from the sid sources.

Overally, I'm very happy with reiserfs, but there are a few annoyances.

The first is that, presumably resiserfsck doesn't understand some option
passed to it by /etc/init.d/checkroot.sh, as when it gets to that stage
it stops and waits until you confirm to do an fsck. Does anyone know a
way around this, short of commenting out the offending line in
checkroot.sh (as is doing this a Bad Thing?)?

The other thing that may or may not be a problem is that every time the
system boots, it seems to replay the transaction logs of all of the
filesystems. This suggests to me that it's not umounting them correctly.
Or is this the expected behaviour of reiserfs?

Another thing is it complains when you have the following in your

/dev/hda2       /       reiserfs   defaults,errors=remount-ro 0      1

If you take out the `errors=remount-ro' it seems to work fine. Again,
I'm not sure if removing this line is going to have disasterous
consequences, or if it's something that reiserfs doesn't need.

If anyone has any suggestions I'd be very interested.


Damon Muller              | Did a large procession wave their torches
Criminologist/Linux Geek  | As my head fell in the basket,
http://killfilter.com     | And was everybody dancing on the casket...
PGP (GnuPG): A136E829     |                      - TBMG, "Dead"

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