To quote Daniel Mashao <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
# I cannot boot from my harddrive. I made sure the root partition is
# bootable according to fdisk. This is a new Debian install using potato
# disks. I can boot (slow) from a diskette.

The error you get when trying to boot off the harddrive would be useful.

Otherwise, my guess would be that you havn't installed LILO or GRUB.
They're both what are called "boot loaders". They take on the task of
booting a kernel or OS, and passing any appropriate parameters to the
aforementioned kernel or OS.

Neither are particularily easy to set up; check out the HOWTOs available
at .

David Barclay Harris, Clan Barclay
    Aut agere, aut mori. (Either action, or death.)

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