At 04:21 PM 2/5/01 -0800, you wrote:
Peter Howell wrote:

> As if life isn't hard enough, I've gone and bought a g1200s and am trying
> to put linux on it.  For those of you who aren't familiar with this
> machine, it's a tablet computer with a pcmcia hard drive and a cdrom.  I
> can plug in a keyboard and mouse for the setup procedure, but my eventual
> goal is to get the diffs loaded which will allow me to use xscribble for
> handwriting recognition on the pressure sensitive screen.
> Unfortunately, I haven't been able to get past the install. I have an
> ibm-pc110 with a floppy drive that I have used to install the latest stable
> base distribution of debian onto a viper 260mb type III hard drive.  I had
> it put LILO on the MBR, but I still needed the floppy for the reboot.  This
> is going to be a problem as the g1200s has no floppy drive.

One question that is asked during the installation procedure is whether you want to make the hard drive bootable. This may be a stupid question, and I have no wich to
offend, but did you do that?

None taken. I did specify that I wanted the drive to be bootable. It asked me where to install the mbr program, which confused me a bit since I usually think of mbr as referring to "master boot record." I went with the default which was to put it on the target partition. When I boot, I get:


L  07  07  07 .....

and the 07's continue in what is apparently an infinite loop. If I hold down shift I get the


prompt, but I'm having a hard time finding out what I can do from there.

> The immediate problem is that I can't access the Microsolutions backpack
> cdrom on the parallel port.  I instructed the system to load the paride
> module.  The module appears to be loaded when I reboot, but when I got to
> apt configuration, the cdrom isn't detected.  It then asks me to enter the
> file I wish to use to access the cdrom.  This is where I'm stuck.  I don't
> know which file it's talking about.  module, device mount point...?  Like I
> said, I'm stuck.

Can the machine normally boot off a cdrom?  If you installed from a cdrom, you
should be able to boot off that one.

Second (sorry, third) question, what's the make of the cdrom? Is it non-standard?
Did you include it in the kernel?

Alas, no. It's a parallel port cdrom. That's why I loaded paride.o. Unfortunately, I think there are a couple other packages I should have also loaded, but I don't know what they are. The model # is 166550.

I was still able to get the base system installed via the floppies and I can boot with the aid of the boot floppy. Getting the rest of the packages installed has become a secondary concern right now. If I can get the drive to boot, then I can drop it into the ricoh, which has a cdrom with a somewhat more standard laptop ide interface and hopefully I'll have more luck mounting that. Right now the trick seems to be getting it to boot.

Thanks for the help


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