On Tue, Feb 06, 2001 at 05:26:50PM -0600, ktb wrote:
> On Tue, Feb 06, 2001 at 03:26:40PM -0600, will trillich wrote:
> > <hardware newbie>
> > whenever i move my mouse -- for every single pixel (or every
> > mouse pointer redraw) -- i hear a small 'click' through my
> > speakers. this happens on both console (alt-ctl-f[1-6]) and in X
> > displays...
> > 
> > any ideas? what further information could i provide?
> > </hardware newbie>
> Are you using a window manager that supports sounds for various
> actions?  Does the sound persist when you change to a different window
> manager such as fvwm?  Since it happens in console it probably doesn't
> matter but that is what popped into my head.  Does it happen with all
> buttons on your mouse?  Does shutting off the bell with "xset" or 
> "set bell-style none" have any effect?  Just a few thoughts...

i'm pretty sure the window manageris irrelevant, as i can switch
to a console (ctl-alt-f2) and via the gpm cursor gadget, i still
get the click (more like a buzz when moving the mouse over a long
distance). i can wait until the screen saver takes over on X, and
the console mouse-move 'buzz' is still there.

but <newbie>in case it matters</newbie> i'm using kde on potato.
in the control center (for preferences) there's a "sounds" area
with three subitems: midi, sound server, system bell. i can test
the system bell which seems to work properly; plus, when kde
starts or shuts down i get the fancy-pants music/chord, too.

there's no 'clang when closing a window' or 'boing on maximize'
sound setup (from what i can tell). plus, the mouse-move
buzz/click affects the consoles, as well.

but if i'm playing an audio cd, it's irritating to have the mouse
buzz interfere with taste of honey, lujon or concerto in f...
got s'more ideas why moving the mouse one pixel would 'tick' at
my speakers? electromagnetic induction? anything?


by the way... how do you change from kde to another window

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