I installed Debian 2.2 on 486. After reboot the keyboard started to act
strangelly - When you tiped one "a" it wrote "aaaaaaaaaaaaaa", multiple
letters, sometimes it didn't write even a letter. At the end it stopped
working. At start I can push Del buton to get into BIOS, but ones that
Linux loades, the keyboard is death. So, how to deal with this problem? At
startup Linux says:
AT Keyboard not connected
AT no Keyboard
or something like this.
On Debian is only Base System from 11 floppyes installed.
Tahat is maybe also because I might defined devices that are not
installed(hardware), so there was written that in that case linux might
not respond. How to delite modules? There are some modules for PCMCIA, and
on startups it shows that that device wasn't find.
There is another problem
too: I can ping localhost and IP of this computer that I defined in
/etc/network/interfaces, but I can't ping other computers on the net. What
am I doing wrong?
Thank you!
Ale Jerman

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