On Sat, 10 Feb 2001 10:44:43 -0800, Eric G . Miller wrote:

>On Sat, Feb 10, 2001 at 06:41:29PM +0100, Viktor Rosenfeld wrote:
>> Hi folks,
>> I just went through my monthly apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade
>> for woody, and noticed that X now is running with -dpi 100 when started
>> with startx.  This is great, finally I have a consistent font
>> resolution.
>> The only problem is that I'm running KDM, which will still run my X
>> server with -dpi 75.  I have been looking into the files in
>> /etc/X11/kdm, but couldn't find a place to specify the different
>> resolution.
>> Any ideas?
>I don't run kdm, but look in /etc/kdm (??) for a file with a line like:
>/usr/bin/X11/X -dpi 100 vt7
>and make sure it has that -dpi 100 argument.
I have similar but different problems between a lap top and my
workstation.  The fonts after the kde session starts is fine - but on
the lap top the kdm logon box fills most of the screen, the
workstation is is of a reasonable size.

the file you refer to with the line like the above in is


but there is also a file


which has a some degree of influence here.

Where I think you are getting confused, there is a directory /etc/kde2
in which there is a file kdmrc - this describes a whole load of
paramters for the login box too.


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