On Sat, 10 Feb 2001 18:25:49 +0100, Philipp Schulte wrote:

>On Sat, Feb 10, 2001 at 06:56:58AM +0000, Alan Chandler wrote: 
>> I have an sb-live sound card and I am having trouble getting sound to
>> work.
>Which kernel-version do you use? In newer versions there is a emu10k1
>module in the sound section so you don't need alsa at all.
>Before the kernel-module I used alsa too but I compiled it from source
>and followed the instructions from the alsa-mini-howto and never had
>any problems.

I was running 2.4.1 with the module from the kernel - and then I
couldn't get sound to work because all the documentation I could find
(including in the kernel) couldn't tell me how to get the module
loaded.  In the end, I did a kernel recompile and started it and it
seemed to destroy the root partition filesystem, so ...

I reloaded debian from scratch using the potato (stable) cd 1 to get
me to the point where you can edit apt/sources.list and then chose
"advanced" selection of packages to put me into dselect.  I have a
potato mirror on another machine with "selected" debs from unstable
(mainly xfree 4, kde 2.1beta and then the libraries etc that that
decision drags you into loading - also the alsa modules 0.5 - because
they have the sb-live drivers in them), so it set sources.list to
point to potato and (in another line entry) an "extra" directory tree
where I have stored the extra stuff (used dpkg-scanpackages to create
a Packages.gz file)

So ...  I am now running 2.2.18pre21, and the alsa .debs are all the
versions that use those kernel headers.



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