"Tom Schuetz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I have a PS/2 mouse. My XF86config file is set to /dev/psaux. 
> My mouse doesn't do anything upon starting X.

Are you running GPM? GPM and X can conflict when running at the same
time. There's a solution: Configure GPM as a 'Repeater' and then
configure X to use /dev/gpmdata as mouse. To configure GPM as a
Repeater, check man gpm. The options should be written to
/etc/gpm.conf (/usr/sbin/gpmconfig can be used to do that).

Moritz Schulte <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://www.chaosdorf.de/moritz/
Debian/GNU supporter - http://www.debian.org/ http://www.gnu.org/
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