On Sun, 2003-02-16 at 13:34, Scruloose wrote:
> GnomeICU will send and receive messages, initiate/accept chat mode, and
> other people can see my status, but everybody always looks offline to me
> (except 2 users, whose statuses update fine.  No clue why they're special).
> GAIM just loses a huge percentage (50%?, 75%?) of my outgoing messages.  
> Needless to say, I'm using GnomeICU, 'cause it's limping along better than
> the competition.  But how do I fix this?  Is there some port I need to
> forward for the "so-and-so is online" packets to get in?  Is there a client
> for Linux that's as smart as the windo~1 ones (to work behind a firewall
> without port forwarding)?

Assuming that your firewall closes off whatever port it is that ICQ uses
(5190 if memory serves... though it usually doesn't. ;), the only way
that I could see Trillian working properly would be if it switched to
some port that it knew would be open (like 80 for example) but that
would be very very odd. (And very difficult to implement from the server
side I'd think.)

What I'm therefore guessing is going on, is something on your desktop
machine. I use gaim all the time behind my NAT/firewall setup with no
problems whatsoever. Do all of your other programs work ok? Any network
issues? Just to test gaim's networking code, you may want to download
gaim for win32 and try it under XP and see if it works.
(http://gaim.sourceforge.net) That might be a good place to start to
rule out the possibility of a client-based problem. Good luck.


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