On Tue, Feb 13, 2001 at 03:44:45PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
| I got a few friends who are interested in (trying)linux. For TRYING purposes 
I want them to use a debian based Linux. I love using debian 2.2
| and I am pretty new my-self(1.5 year). I think it might be a little to 
| overwelming for them. I beleive there are three to chose from Corel, Storm
| and Libranet.
| I have tried the first two but Libranet I have not tried yet. Anyone tried 
Libranet? Are there any reasons not to use the others? I wouldn't want the 
users to try Linux and despise it.

I haven't used any of these 3.  I have heard (check the Debian Weekly
news from last week, or the week before) that Corel is selling off
their dist, and Stormix filed for bankruptcy.  I have a friend who
uses Corel, and he says it is very easy to configure and is good for
people who don't want to learn vi and the FHS to configure the system.  

I would recommend NOT using RH7.0.  No use giving new users (or anyone
for that matter) a broken compiler and libc.  (This began the end of
RH for me :-)) 

If they want to try upgrading stuff, then apt is the best experience
they can have.


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