I have a cyclades Z modem card.  We are running Debian with kernal 2.2.6
with pppd 2.4.0  I am having difficulty setting the card to 230400.  I have
tried setserial, however the divisor remains at 0 (problem).  The card works
fine at 115200 with pppd.  However it refuses to dial at 230400.  I cannot
use minicom to test the circuit due to the setserial problem and the minicom
I have only goes to 115200.

Does anyone know if there are issues involving pppd at 230400?  A google
search is somewhat inconclusive as some say nay, yet others say  yea and
some seem to have it working with ISDN.

Is there an issue with setserial with the cyclades card?  Their help line
was somewhat unhelpful.

Do later versions of minicom or any other terminal programs increase the
port speeds?

Thanks in advance

Brian Smith

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