All listed in /etc/inetd.conf.  Comment them out.

On Tue, 13 Feb 2001, Vadim Kutsyy wrote:

>Jason, good idea.  I took care about ssh (removed all [K,S]20ssh).
>Hoever I have no clue what to do with aother ports.
>port 13: daytime
>port 37: time
>port 9: discard
>Any ideas?
>Jason Schepman wrote:
>> Vadim,
>> I would turn off the services that are using those ports (if you don't need
>> them).  For instance, port 22 is going to be your ssh daemon listening for
>> connections.  If you have a standalone workstation, I can't imagine why you
>> would need ssh running.  I'm not sure what the other ports are.  If you do a
>> $netstat -a
>> it will tell you the name of the ports.  If you're not using them, stop the
>> services or uninstall the packages that are launching them.
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Vadim Kutsyy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> To: "Debian User" <>
>> Sent: Monday, February 12, 2001 11:33 PM
>> Subject: iptables rules and open ports
>> > I have stand alone workstation withour any network, so I am trying to
>> > keep all ports close.  I run kernel 2.4 with iptables.  Recent scaning
>> > (by shows that ports 13,22,37 and 9 are open.  Any
>> > recomendation on how to close them?

<a mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Who is John Galt?</a>

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