On behalf of the Linux Professional Institute, I invite anyone
interested to participate in our current survey of Linux professionals.
We are in the process of developing our next level of tests for our
certification process. We need the help of Linux professionals and
system adminins to develop a strict standard for testing. Based on the
feedback in the study, a polymetrician will develop the tests to be
taken worldwide.

Furthermore, we could use the experience and professionalism of many
Debian developers to develop the next series which will deal with
hacking the kernel and much more advanced techniques. Please explore the

LPI web site, and see if there isn't someway your organization can help
us out. We truly would like your participation in this endeavor.

Also, we would like to spread the word to all your lists, that we are
certifying individuals who have passed our first series of exams. The
LPIC-1 is currently being issued after passing two exams costing a total

of $200.00.
The tests are available worldwide through VUE.

We look forward to your participation. Visit the web site at
www.lpi.org for more information on the survey and getting involved. We
appreciate your assistance in this matter. Thank you.

Ray Ferrari

P.S.: This is not spam mail. I have also written to Wichert and Joey
Hess to help us with this. I have participated in Debian mailing lists,
and also helped Debian at Linux World/San Jose a couple of times.

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