On Fri, 16 Feb 2001 18:16:16 +0100, you wrote:

>what am I doing wrong? I changed the PATH-line in /etc/profile 
>(including now /usr/local/xyz/bin), at the end there is also an "export 
>PATH"-line, but when I login via kdm (as user) into kde (version 2 and 
>2.1beta), there's still the old PATH set (even after rebooting!). So I 
>logged in to another windowmanager, but there it works. Any ideas how to 
>correct kde's behaviour?

/etc/profile is a file read by BASH when it is started by after a

~/.bash_profile is your local equivalent

~/.bashrc is what happens when bash gets started regardless of whether
it is a login shell.

Since you are starting bits of kde, then bash doesn't run and doesn't
change the path (I think, but I am not sure, from default set by

I am not sure where the prefered place is in that case, I would
suspect you should look at /etc/X11/Xsession script (this just runs
all the scripts in /etc/X11/Xsession.d after setting up a few

You do of course start bash when you call up konsole (or an xterm for
that matter) but not as as a login (unless you set the options on
xterm to tell it to treat it like one), so only ~/.bashrc gets run.
You could put PATH statements in there.



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